Contrary to popular belief, more product choice is actually NOT what your customers want. In fact, if you’re offering too many choices to your customers, you might be inadvertently killing your sales. Too much product choice often leads to overwhelm, which more often that not, results in inaction. So, your customers will end up buying nothing at all. Crazy right?
There’s a famous experiment that was run by Sheena Iyengar from Columbia University, in which customers in a supermarket could taste (and buy!) some jam. On some days the supermarket display offered the full range of jam (24 different varieties) and on others they only displayed 6 flavours. The results were telling.. a whopping 30% of customers bought jam on the days with fewer varieties on display, while only 3% purchased when all 24 flavours were in view.
The moral of the story is that by cutting down your product line, you might actually be decreasing the indecision factor, and increasing sales. So how can you make purchasing choices easier for your customers?
Cut your product range – Offering fewer options to make MORE sales seems counterintuitive but this option is the fastest way to boost sales. Take a look through your product range and see if you can trim it down by removing items that are too similar to one another, or items that aren’t great sellers to begin with.
Hide your less popular products – If you can’t justify cutting your product range, removing less popular products from view, either in physical displays in store, or in your design choices, can help to ease indecision and inspire action in your audience. Make sure your most popular products are most visible.
Conscious design – When designing your website, or product brochures, it an be tempting to chuck as much in as possible, but smart design is all about leading your customers to a decision, rather than giving them all the information and asking them to make one on their own.
If you need help creating a design for your website or brochures that will decrease indecision, obliterate overwhelm and boost sales, contact the team at 121 Creative today.