2015 is a time to devote social media energy to visual-based platforms as they’re going to be seeing plenty of traffic as the year unfolds. Instagram is a user-friendly platform to share pics and build engagement with your brand. And if you think for one minute that you can’t get snap happy because you’re not a professional photographer – then think again! Instagram gives you some great tools to help you get just the right shot. Here is our beginner’s guide to help you get you started.
3 Instagram tips for beginners
1. Lights, camera, action!
All you need is a smartphone to get started and a bit of thought about your shot. Lighting can make or break your pic so remember to have the sun behind you if you’re shooting outdoors. This won’t work if you’re shooting people (unless you want them squinting into camera) but neither will having the sun behind them, so try shooting them with the early morning or late afternoon sun instead.
2. The rule of thirds
You need to have some idea about the basic composition of a shot when taking your photos and that’s where the rule of thirds comes in. Think of your pic as a grid with nine squares and position what you’re shooting along these lines to get a great shot. Note – if you’re taking your pic directly in Instagram it takes care of this for you – result!
3. Become a filter fanatic
Instagram fans agree that one of the coolest things about Instagram is that it lets you choose from a range of photo filters that can transform your pics. All you have to do is pick a filter you want to use and tap it twice. You can also select a frame for your image by clicking on the box and if you alter the degree to which your chosen filter is applied if you’re after a more subtle result. Try Earlybird for an old Polaroid effect, Lo-Fi if you want to create a sense of drama or Inkwell for classic black and white.
Note: Remember to watch your settings if you’re taking pics within the Instagram app itself and not just uploading them there. Filtered images are only saved to your camera roll or gallery after you’ve shared them. To make sure your original is saved, go into your INSTAGRAM PROFILE and select OPTIONS and turn on SAVE ORIGINAL PHOTOS.
As you can see, Instagram is a fun and easy way to share great photos. Get into the habit of snapping pics using all the great tools at your disposal and let the world know what’s going on in your business and showcase your brand.