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How to overcome procrastination

We’re all human – which means things that fall into the too hard basket we might just prefer to put off til tomorrow. Yes – procrastination can creep up on us all at one time or another – whether it’s a business deadline or the diet or exercise program we plan to put off until after the weekend. Let’s take a look at just how we can motivate (or trick) ourselves into taking action sooner rather than later.

3 ways to overcome procrastination 

1.  Set concrete tasks

Studies show that the manner in which a task is presented can impact on how our brains react to it i.e. how motivated we’ll be to take action. We are far more likely to tackle a concrete task than something more abstract. Breaking business projects down into smaller, well-defined tasks can help us all have that light bulb moment. Not only does the way forward become clearer but it becomes much easier to take action too.

2.  Tackle deadlines

Deadlines can be a good thing if you don’t shy away from them and tackle them head on. Think of a deadline as creating a window of opportunity for and/or your team where you get to be focused, rational and decisive. You’ll find a deadline can be a massive benefit to any business project or opportunity because without it – you might find it easy for you, your business or clients to lose that all important focus.

3.  Be accountable

Make a point of letting people know exactly what your responsibilities (or intentions) are going to be. Whether it’s declaring what you plan to bring to the table with an important project in your workplace or business deal with a client.  None of us want to disappoint an expectant audience and we can all rise to the challenge if we think someone is going to hold us accountable – whether it’s because of the adrenalin rush or the fear!