There’s little doubt that social media is the place to be while marketing your small business – and it’s Twitter that’s set to fly to the top of the social media pile in 2014 – so now is the time to start building your business profile in 140 characters or less.
5 Twitter tips for your business
Don’t focus on business
OK – so it might sound counter-productive – but like all social media, you need to focus less on business and more on the social aspects. It’s not enough to just post every hour on the hour with sales reminders or product information. That would be like asking your followers to watch nothing but ads on TV. Think of your content as the ‘Game of Thrones’ episode between the ads and give your audience a reason to tune in!
Incorporate visuals
Share funny or inspiring photos and engaging videos to capture your audience’s attention. According to Twitter – users are 42% more likely to interact with business tweets that contain visual media. Yes – now is the time to break out your favourite cat videos.
Make it official
Make sure your followers know you’re the real thing by having proper branding visuals on your profile page including profile pictures, headers and backgrounds.
Schedule content
If you have an advertiser account you can schedule tweets directly from Twitter but if not – then there are plenty of third party companies that offer scheduled tweets. Scheduled content means you’re able to organise content in advance and you don’t have to physically update all day every day. But wait a minute – don’t get complacent – you still need to interact!
Join the party
It’s best to think about social media like a cocktail party. There are loads of people around the room having various conversations about a range of topics (some of them interesting and some not so much!) You need to be confident enough to walk up and say hi. Engage with your followers, ask them questions, respond to their tweets and build relationships. Parties are no fun if you’re the shrinking violet who just sits in the corner talking to yourself!