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Print Advertising Design

Advertising Design: Worth more than the paper it’s printed on

What makes an effective ad? The culmination of a good brief (strategy and marketing message), a strong idea, customer relevance, branding and visual impact. So whether you need a press ad, high-visibility outdoor campaign, punchy point-of-sale or a quick run of flyers, 121 can devise an impactful print solution for you.

But isn’t everything online now? The truth is, a lot of it is, but perhaps a bit too much. As the online environment becomes more and more saturated, many consumers – especially those tech-savvy gen-Yers – are turning away from digital devices in favour of the privacy and nostalgia of reality. Remaining connected to this market means keeping physical, printed ads in your marketing mix.

Getting a printed flyer or brochure into your customer’s hands is a great way to grab their undivided attention, starting a relaxed and memorable conversation away from the screen. Likewise, high-visibility outdoor ads are a great way to make an impact on audiences during their downtime, as they wait for a bus or train, go for a walk or hang out with friends.

The team of experts at 121 have the design and media know-how to manage a powerful outdoor media strategy for you, along with the print expertise to create unique direct mail pieces that arouse curiosity and gain trust. It’s all about connecting with customers on a deeper emotional level and giving them a reason to continue interacting with your brand as they spend time away from the screen.

Speak to use today about your print advertising design project to get the ball rolling.